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African Geodynamics courses in 2013

The next opportunity to follow this course will be at the SAGA meeting in Skukuza, October 2013 (see 'Read more', below). The tenth running of the African Geodynamics course was held during the 24th Colloquium of African Geology in Addis Abeba, January 11 and 12, and generated considerable interest The course is an attempt to distil the experience of more than 20 years of plate tectonic modelling into a global picture of the evolution of the African continent, its shelves, rifts and surrounding oceans throughout Phanerozoic time. The incomplete knowledge of Africa's geology is supplemented with more than 40 years experience with regional geophysical mapping in Africa, India and Australia, as well as from the record of growth of the surrounding oceans.
The next running of the course will take place October 4-5, immediately prior to the 13th Biennial Conference of SAGA (South African Geophysicists Association) scheduled for Skukuza in the Kruger National Park 6-8 October 2013. Further details and the chance to enrol may be found on the SAGA website (http://www.saga-aem2013.co.za/).

2013 March 25