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New Buildings for GSI Training School in India

The introduction of GIS methodologies to the Geological Survey of India (GSI) and other Indian geo-institutes was pioneered in the late 1990s by a project, Indigeo, that brought ITC and the Maastricht School of Management together in an initiative supported by The Netherlands government. The project was based in renovated buildings on the GSI Hyderabad campus and provided training for many hundreds of earth scientists in its five-year lieftime. In 2012, the GSI Training School will inaugurate several new buildings - an education block, auditorium and student residence blocks - to accommodate the burgeoning need for such training in India.
Colin Reeves visited India in February 2012 and was able to visit the GSI Hyderabad campus and see something of these developments. He found it very rewarding to see the vast strides being made and encouraging to know that, from such small beginnings, a whole new generation of earth scientists will get the training necessary as the foundation of a career in the service of geology and the people of India in the age of computer and information technology. The new buildings are expetced to be opened officially later in 2012.

2012 June 7