One of our biggest assignments to date was completed at the end of 2011. Leading
the team of consultants, made up of Earthworks BV, Geoexploration (Nigeria)
Associates and GeoWitch of The Netherlands, supervising the new two-million
line-kilometre airborne geophysical coverage of all onshore Nigeria was an
assignment that extended over almost eight years. Paterson, Grant and Watson
delivered their final interpretation products at the beginning of 2012.
Copies of the data and reports can be purchased from the Nigerian Geological
Survey Agency in Abuja ( The work is part of the World
Bank's Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources Project, designed to give
new impetus and direction to commercial exploration for solid minerals in the
country and re-establish after half a century a significant role for indigenous
minerals in Nigeria's economy. An idea of the new level of detail afforded to
the geological map of the country may be gained from the ternary image of the
gamma-ray spectrometry undertaken during the airborne survey, reproduced below.
Many other examples can be found on the geophysical data portal of the Ministry
of Mines and Steel Development mentioned above.
2012 March 1